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Now that you are here, you are probably wondering what is DESTINE? And what is a MOOC?

What is DESTINE?

DESTINE (standing for DivErSity and Tolerance IN E-Environment) was established to foster online vocational training that emphasizes diversity, inclusion, and tolerance.

The project aims to equip all professionals and students with the essential tools to effectively adjust to an e-learning approach. DESTINE specifically prioritizes creating a learning environment that accommodates the needs of vocational training students. This MOOC platform presents this learning environment for students and professionals in vocational education and training.

What is a MOOC?

Now, what is a MOOC? MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course; by this we mean that the courses and educational materials presented on this platform are delivered online and accessible to everyone. On a MOOC you will typically find video resources, tip-sheets, reading materials, assessments and quizzes and a discussion forum. And the DESTINE MOOC is no exception – only that here you will also find handbooks for students with classroom-based activities included for each module available on the MOOC. To find out more about what we have in store for you on our MOOC, check out the individual links to our training materials that are presented throughout the platform.

Video Library

Pick a video and find out more about our modules!

Diversity and Tolerance e-Modules

These 7 e-modules are presented as a virtual classroom to upskill and empower vocational education professions – teachers, trainers, educators, other key-actors – to promote diversity, tolerance and therefore inclusiveness within an online and distance learning environment. We have developed 7 e-modules on the following topics.

At the end of each e-module, you will be presented with a quiz which you can complete to test your knowledge! You can also share these quizzes with your students to test their knowledge of these topics, before introducing the blended learning activities in your classroom, to further develop your students’ knowledge and competences related to diversity and tolerance.

Module 1

Introduction to diversity, tolerance and equity

Module 2

Diversity and Tolerance in the Classroom

Module 3

Exploring ourselves and the “others”

Module 4

The inclusive educator

Module 5

Teaching and learning: from traditional to blended and online courses

Module 6

Searching, presenting and sharing knowledge online

Module 7

Using digital tools to engage in learning and assess the results

All e-modules on this MOOC platform are presented as open educational resources, which are licensed under Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International, allowing to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, and to distribute derivative works only under the same license.

Student Activities Handbook

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Project number : 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000032921
