This module explains the various aspects of students’ diversity, highlighting the benefits of a tolerant, diverse learning environment.
Aim & Learning Outcomes
Key concepts, background information, relevant theories
Exercises, self-reflection & practical resources to promote inclusive e-learning
Advice, ideas and proposals on relevant issues
References and further reading
A module explaining the various aspects of learner’s diversity, highlighting the benefits of a tolerant, diverse learning environment
After the completion of this module, learners (VET teachers/trainers/educators and also VET providers/Staff, as well as other key actors of educational sector) will be able to:
This module is combined of three units:
Ahmed is Muslim
Michael has two dads
Anna is mixed race
Conor’s parents cannot afford much
Lucy has a learning disability
Ellie is from an ethnic minority
Paul comes from a different country
Susie has epilepsy
Internal diversity refers to characteristics which people are born with such as race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, nationality, and (dis)ability.
External diversity refers to characteristics that significantly influence a person’s life such as religion, social class, and citizenship.
Global diversity refers to the characteristics that can change with time as we begin to conceptualise the world differently, such as political beliefs and education.
There are many ways you can promote diversity in the classroom, for example:
Intersectionality can help to improve the social inclusion of all groups. Here are some examples of ways that incorporating intersectionality into the classroom can help improve social inclusion for all…
Acknowledging and valuing diversity –
Addressing biases and stereotypes –
Incorporating diverse perspectives and experiences –
Creating a safe and inclusive learning environment –
One of the best ways that educators can encourage tolerance in the classroom is by giving learners different social experiences.
Here are some ways that educators can integrate social awareness in the classroom…
Set up a map where learners can complete projects about different countries and cultures across the world that is visible in the classroom
Give learners the opportunity to bring in foods from different cultures/religions, etc. so learners can experience different foods and treats
Encourage learners to learn a few basic phrases from the languages that can be found in the classroom
Take some time to educate learners about the different types of disability and how it affects a person’s life and learning
Make sure to celebrate different religious holy days, cultural days, or any other special day equally. Give learners opportunities to share their own cultures
Make sure the classroom library is diverse as possible – books should have protagonist of all races, cultures, religions, sexuality, and physical ability
The purpose of this activity is to understand and identify the difference strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that could potentially arise in a diverse classroom.
Time: 30 minutes
1.For 5 minutes, reflect on the diversity that can be found in your current classroom of learners.
2.For the next 20 minutes, consider the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a diverse classroom to teaching.
3.Once the SWOT analysis has been completed, take the final 5 minutes to reflect on what you have written with the following questions:
❑Was it easier to identify strengths/opportunities than weaknesses/threats to diversity in your classroom?
❑What was the main strength/weakness of diversity in the classroom? Why?
Time: 60 minutes
You will be brought through a series of scenarios where you will be prompted to consider what actions you will take to resolve the situation between learners.
These scenarios are aimed to showcase the different types of intolerance that can intentionally or unintentionally occur in a classroom, and are generated to prompt creative and culturally aware problem-solving activities.
To complete this activity, you should complete a small lesson plan containing 1x video, 1x activity, and 1x group discussion to prompt conversation between the learners about diversity and tolerance.
Paul has recently moved to your country after fleeing his home country because of war. Paul has a very limited grasp on the language and struggles with how quickly everybody speaks to him. Recently you have noticed that the other learners have stopped trying to include Paul altogether during class time.
You have asked another learner Amy to understand why. Amy has told you that the other learners don’t like talking to Paul because he doesn’t understand and he cannot speak properly. She also confessed that some of the other learners say that Paul overreacts to certain situations sometimes, and many of the other learners find this to be very off-putting. Paul has Asperger’s Syndrome.
You are tasked with creating a 45 minute lesson plan that aims to educate the other learners about Paul’s developmental disability as well as his culture.
Somaya is the only learner of Arabic origin in your classroom. Somaya was born in your country and is a practicing Muslim. She has decided this year that she would like to start wearing the hijab and recently started wearing it to your vocational college. You have noticed that the other girls are making fun of Somaya for her hijab, and that one girl in particular has tried to pull Somaya’s hijab off.
One of the boys in your class has confessed to you that the boys have started calling Somaya names, and that they are excluding her from all activities. Somaya has mentioned to you that she would like to talk about Islam to her peers so that they understand her choice to wear the hijab now.
You are tasked with creating a 45 minute lesson plan that educates the other VET learners about Somaya’s religion.
George, Miguel, and Isla are best friends. The three are inseparable and do everything together. However recently you have begun to notice that George and Miguel are excluding Isla at breaktimes, and no longer talk to her during class. Isla has begun to spend her lunch time on her own inside, while Miguel and George are going to the canteen to have their lunch as usual. The other day you asked Isla why she was not going to the restaurant with the boys, and she broke down in tears and ran away.
Very concerned, you ring Isla’s mother, who informs you that she has just lost her job and can no longer afford to give Isla her allowance which helps to supplement her meals in college.
You are tasked with creating a 45 minute lesson plan that aims to educate your learners about social awareness around money.
Brief introduction to this activity or resource that addresses the VET educators themselves (e.g. self-reflection or self directed exercise) or is an activity that will be implemented by a trainers’ trainer
Remember! Everybody suffers from cultural bias and this survey is not meant to shame participants, only to educate you on areas for improvement.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
Project number : 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-